Advanced Visual Storytelling

Hello Everyone, 

Welcome to my mastery journal! This month I’m taking Advanced Visual Storytelling. In this class I have the opportunity to select a scene and turn it into a video. I’m thrilled to be in the portion of my MFA where I get to begin producing my work. When deciding which scene I wanted to bring to life, I asked myself which scene would be easiest to shoot and which scene had the most conflict. The scene I chose is from my short film script, “The Influencer”. In the scene we see Ophelia and her sister arguing. The underlying issue is that younger sister is still heartbroken over the loss of her mother and she’s coming to grips with the fact that her older sister is now her caregiver. This scene definitely works dramatically, but some adjustments had to be made so the video would have a proper beginning middle and end in a minute’s time. This required me taking out some dialogue that didn’t move the story along and also changing the ending. What I have now is a very tense and sentimental moment between two sisters. I can’t wait to bring this impactful scene to life. 

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